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Request for Acceptance and Recognition as Member:

I hereby request acceptance as a member, and recognition of membership with Vegan Family Association, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and provides natural remedies to heal and improve the wellbeing of members within our community. Members of our community receive a high quality product range and services that our association is always evolving to improve your wellbeing and support growth and to have healthier lives, on the land of Terra Australis commonly referred to as the Commonwealth of Australia.

I understand that such membership entitles me, in any nature or matter, to all of the benefits, services, rights and immunity afforded by agreement(s) and private association as a man or woman exercising private jurisdiction by acceptance and recognition with Vegan Family Association. I agree to pledge a donation of $1.00 for a general lifetime membership.

The use of this website, products and services consents that you accept and agree to being a member of the 'Vegan Family Association' and therefore are bound by ‘association’ as outlined in the agreement, laws of the association, terms of use, privacy policy, disclaimer, delivery policy.

I state that I am not acting as an agent of any government, as an agent of any revenue agency or service or of Australia or United Nations and that I am aware that any such agency is void of authority in all matters hereto related to this private membership. By clicking 'Join', acceptance is hereby acknowledged. The above Member is recognized as a Member in good standing until otherwise described and duly noticed in writing.